CHW Document Resource Center Communications Toolkit

The purpose of this toolkit is to house social media messaging and graphics prompting target audiences to visit NACHW’s CHW Document Resource Center. 

About this Toolkit

The purpose of this toolkit is to house social media messaging and graphics prompting target audiences to visit NACHW’s CHW Document Resource Center. Please share the content in this toolkit on your webpage and social media, as well as with your networks. All content is part of the public domain and free to use without restriction under copyright law.

The social media and newsletter messaging in this toolkit is accessible through the copy (Ctrl+c) and paste (Ctrl+v) functions of your keyboard. The social media graphics can be downloaded by navigating to the desired image and clicking “download.” The social media images are formatted for Facebook and Twitter.

The web banners can be downloaded and added to a webpage. To implement them to your webpage, download the desired banner, and hyperlink it to the Resource Center website.

The National Association of Community Health Workers (NACHW) is a national professional organization whose members are CHWs, Promotores de la Salud, Community Health Representatives, CHW Networks and Associations, allies and supporters (individuals and organizations).

Our mission is to unify the voices of CHWs and strengthen the profession’s capacity to promote healthy communities.

United, we will mobilize CHWs and our networks, create professional and leadership development opportunities, build a research and education hub, and develop policies to sustain workforce integrity and impact.

NACHW is proud to have members in 46 U.S. states – and we are growing every day. We work in partnership with CHWs and allies to create innovative strategies that amplify, promote and sustain the CHW profession.

About CDC
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the United States’ (US) health protection agency, working 24/7 to protect America from health, safety, and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S. CDC works to tackle the biggest health problems causing death and disability in the US; promote health and safe behaviors, communities, and environment; and develop leaders and train the public health workforce, including CHWs.

The CHW Work Group at CDC in a multidisciplinary group, comprised of public health analysts, advisors and educators, epidemiologists and medical officers, and health and behavioral scientists. The mission of the CHW Work Group at CDC is to facilitate, support, and advance CHW initiatives and policies to help accomplish public health goals. Their goals are to facilitate capacity-building for key partners (e.g., public health, CHW practitioners, health care) to maximize the CHW role and impact, collaborate and promote the synergy of effort and resources related to CHW initiatives, share and dissemination information about projects, programs, policies, strategies, and publications focused on CHWs, and develop evaluation of CHW initiatives. The Work Group has developed an additional database, the CDC CHW Resources Gateway, containing resources from programs across CDC that host materials pertinent to CHWs. These resources should be helpful not only to CHWs but also to those who work with them. If you identify a CDC resource not listed here, see an error, or have additional feedback, please email the NCCDPHP Community Health Worker Workgroup at [email protected].

The CHW Document Resource Center

Welcome to the CHW Document Resource Center, a curated, searchable online database of documents related to state policy advancements and workforce development practices for community health workers (CHWs). If you are in CHW leadership, state government, FQHCs, health systems, and other CHW partner organizations, this resource database is for you.

The purpose of this database is to provide information on the process other states, or organizations have gone through in advancing policies around CHWs. This can help you understand policy consideration options available to your state, or to learn about experiences in other states who have pursued policies or investments like ones you are considering for your state.  The CHW Document Resource Center was developed in collaboration with the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) and the CDC’s Division of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

Documents found in this resource center are most useful for: state and local government practitioners; CHW leaders; current and potential employers and payers for CHWs; other individuals and stakeholder organizations involved in developing and/or advocating for policies on CHWs. This database is not a resource for individual CHWs looking for tools to inform or improve their practice; NACHW Members can find those kinds of materials and links here.

This database includes reports, meeting minutes, brochures, state legislation and other material that show how state and local groups have created definitions, policies and workforce development programs for CHWs. Some documents show the results of these efforts.

Each resource has a “catalog listing” that looks like this:

For most resources, you can read or download a PDF copy directly from the website (for copyrighted materials, there will only be a link to the original source).

What’s not in the Database:
There are no maps or tables showing how states compare with each other. For those, try the links in the “Other Important Resources” section of the Landing Page.

Many people ask for “best available evidence of CHW impact” and “best practices in employing CHWs.” These are not covered in the current version of the database. See “Future expansion.”

Background on CHWs
American Public Health Association CHW Section
Astho CHW Resources
National Association of State Health Policy: State CHW Models

The social media and newsletter messaging below can be copied (Ctrl+c) and pasted (Ctrl+v) into various platforms. The social media graphics can be downloaded by navigating to the desired image and clicking “download.” They have been specifically formatted for Facebook and Twitter.

Newsletter Blurb
CHW Document Resource Center Now Launched!

Introducing the CHW Document Resource Center, a unique searchable database for stakeholders working on developing or advocating for policies affecting CHWs. This effort has been informed by the CDC and NACDD, and is available to CHW leadership, state government, FQHCs, health systems, and other CHW partner organizations.

The Resource Center initially contains over 800 documents from most of the 50 states on the process of considering and developing policies such as CHW certification, and workforce development initiatives for CHWs.  The documents selected do not represent any particular point of view, and NACHW does not take any official policy stance within the Resource Center. Rather, the collection reflects the experience of state and local-level groups in process-oriented documents as well as reports resulting from those processes. The initial database will expand quickly in the coming months, with plans to include wide-ranging collections on the evidence of CHW impact and best practices in employing CHWs.

Visit the Resource Center

• #CHW
• #CHR
• #PromotoresdelaSalud
• #AdvancingCHWPolicy
• #CHWResourceCenter

Sample Social Media Posts

  • Are you looking to advance policy to support CHWs? This is the nation’s largest searchable collection of documents to inform policies around CHWs. #CHW #CHR #PromotoresdelaSalud #AdvancingCHWPolicy #CHWResourceCenter
  • CHWs are vital to public health, and CHW policy could help keep them working. Explore state policy options today. #CHW #CHR #PromotoresdelaSalud #AdvancingCHWPolicy #CHWResourceCenter
  • CHWs are on the frontlines supporting our communities. State policy and workforce development supports their CHWs. See what other states are doing today. #CHW #CHR #PromotoresdelaSalud #AdvancingCHWPolicy #CHWResourceCenter
  • Are you researching policy around CHWs? The CHW Document Resource Center is a great place to start. Explore today! #CHW #CHR #PromotoresdelaSalud #AdvancingCHWPolicy #CHWResourceCenter
  • Start your journey toward finding resources to advance policy and CHWs. Visit the CHW Document Resource Center. #CHW #CHR #PromotoresdelaSalud #AdvancingCHWPolicy #CHWResourceCenter
  • CHWs, including CHRs and Promotores(as) de la Salud strengthen the response to COVID-19. The CHW Document Resource Center has documents to inform CHW support. #CHW #CHR #PromotoresdelaSalud #AdvancingCHWPolicy #CHWResourceCenter
  • Researching CHW policy? We’ve done most of the work for you. Visit the CHW Document Resource Center. #CHW #CHR #PromotoresdelaSalud #AdvancingCHWPolicy #CHWResourceCenter

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