Board Members

Board members are diverse in languages spoken, race and ethnicity, and geography.

Our 2024 Board

Board members are diverse in languages spoken, race and ethnicity, and geography. Nine board members speak at least one language in addition to English including Spanish (9), Portuguese (1), American Sign Language (1), and Korean (1). Board members identify as Native American (Santo Domingo) (1), Pacific Islander (Samoan) (1), Korean American (1), Hispanic, Latin(a/o/x) (5), Black or African American (5), and White or Caucasian (5). 

Board members are from 16 different states including several regions of the country. 

New states represented on the board include Hawai’i, Virginia, and Delaware. 14 members are CHWs, including CHRs and Promotoras.

NACHW Board: States Represented

Our current board lineup!
Our current board lineup along with our Founder's Circle!

Join us!

We're excited to see you at our virtual 2024 Annual Meeting today, starting at 2pm EST! Registrants have received an email with instructions for accessing the Zoom. Look for an email titled "2024 NACHW Annual Meeting Confirmation" from Sunny Williams. Make sure to look in the inbox of the email you registered for Unity with!