NACHW Document Resource Center
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What’s in the database?
This is the nation’s largest searchable collection of documents on policies around CHWs (mainly on the state level).
Who should use it?
Documents found in this resource center are most useful for: state government officials; CHW leaders; current and potential employers and payers for CHWs; other individuals and stakeholder organizations involved in considering policies on CHWs This database is not a resource for individual CHWs looking for tools to inform or improve their practice.
This database was supported by Grant/Cooperative Agreement Number 5-NU38OT000286-02, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC has funded decades of work to support the engagement of CHWs and was strategic in leading efforts to complete multiple systematic reviews on the topic, convene the 2019 CHW Forum, and has published extensive volumes of translational research resources to advance the CHW workforce and enhance health equity. To access CDC CHW resources, visit the CDC CHW Resources Gateway
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Community Health Workers in Enhanced Care Management and In Lieu of Services: A Model of Care Resource
This document was developed as a resource for Managed Care Plans completing the CalAIM Model of Care Template. The chart that follows indicates the potential
Community Health Workers in Rhode Island: Sustaining a growing public health workforce in the pandemic and beyond
This is an updated study of Rhode Island’s Community Health Worker (CHW) workforce. The first qualitative study was released in January 2018, and this updated
Community-Based Maternal Support Services: The Role of Doulas and Community Health Workers in Medicaid
In 2018, Medicaid covered approximately 43 percent of all births in the United States. As the largest single payer of maternity care, Medicaid plays a
How are Medicaid managed care organizations supporting community health workers? Results from a national study presentation
In this interactive presentation, a CHW and an academic ally will co-present initial quantitative and qualitative findings from this study. Audience members will engage in
Harmonizing the CHW and social work relationship to advance health equity Presentation
Evidence indicates CHWs encounter resistance from social workers in various contexts, due to concern about CHWs displacing social workers as a primary workforce involved in
Indian Health Service Policy Statement on Creating a National Indian Health Service Community Health Aide Program
Recognizing the success of community health aides, Congress authorized the creation of a national federal Community Health Aide Program (CHAP). The IHS is currently exploring
Letter to Senator Andy Biggs of Arizona State Senate
The Arizona Community Health Worker Association submitted a request to the Arizona State Senate for voluntary certification and standardization of practice for CHWs.
Leveraging Accountable Communities for Health to Meet CalAIM Goals
The Department of Health Care Services recently launched the CalAIM initiative, which stands for California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal. CalAIM proposes a framework to guide
Local Change, Big Impact: State and Local Policy Responses to Community Needs
State and local policy is critical to the work that local organizations and nonprofits do to advance equitable outcomes for their communities. These programs and
Medicaid Section 1115 Demonstration Five-Year Renewal and Amendment Request: CalAIM Demonstration – Draft for Public Comment
DHCS is requesting a five-year renewal of some of the waiver and expenditure authorities contained in the Medi-Cal 2020 Section 1115 demonstration as well as