NACHW Unity Conference

NACHW Unity Conference


August 3, 2023 - August 5, 2023    
All Day

Event Type

Save the date! This year, join us from Thursday, August 3rd to Saturday, August 5th for a hybrid (in-person and online) Unity Conference and Annual Meeting! We’re so excited to bring Unity to a physical space, and we can’t wait to see you all, whether in Texas or online. See the Unity website for more information on this year’s conference, including:

  • Instructions for submitting a presentation
  • Instructions for nominating for this year’s awards
  • Details about the venue
  • Hotels we have partnered with that hold blocks for Unity attendees (limited in number)
  • And more!

Registration will open within the next few months! Pricing will be announced in advance.

Visit the Unity website here!

Join us!

We're excited to see you at our virtual 2024 Annual Meeting today, starting at 2pm EST! Registrants have received an email with instructions for accessing the Zoom. Look for an email titled "2024 NACHW Annual Meeting Confirmation" from Sunny Williams. Make sure to look in the inbox of the email you registered for Unity with!