NACHW Statement of Solidarity

NACHW Statement of Solidarity

Our nation is grieving. Our hearts are broken. Our communities are devastated. Our anger is profound. Mothers and fathers fear for their children’s safety. Elders are retraumatized as they relive past violence and dehumanization. Children are afraid that the world will not love and protect their lives and future.

On behalf of community health workers, promotores(as) del salud and community health representatives across the country, the National Association of Community Health Workers offers our grieving hearts and solidarity to George Floyd’s family and community.

Community health workers provide compassionate care and live in deep solidarity with communities who experience vulnerabilities. We respond to health disparities and inequities resulting from historic racism by centering the dignity of all human beings. Systems that perpetuate racial bias, prejudice and unequal treatment will never achieve health, equity and social justice for all.

Communities of color and white allies who believe in the dignity and humanity of all people must respond to this killing, and the killing of so many other Black and Brown people with peaceful protest and an authentic commitment to eradicate racism, hate crimes and police violence and the policies that support them. NACHW will continue to amplify community voices and stand in unity with efforts that ensure all people are treated with respect and dignity.


Denise Octavia Smith, MBA, CHW
Executive Director
National Association of Community Health Workers

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