NACHW Webinar: Celebrating Our Five Year Anniversary and Envisioning the Future

Anniversary web
NACHW Webinar: Celebrating Our Five Year Anniversary and Envisioning the Future


April 24, 2024    
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm


NACHW invites you to join us as we celebrate our 5-year anniversary! Five years ago, our founders came together at the 2019 Unity Conference to create the National Association of Community Health Workers (NACHW). Learn about the history of NACHW, some of our major accomplishments in the last 5 years, and about our strategic plan moving forward.  

Speakers on this event will include:

  1. Board President, Lillie Fox, to give opening remarks and welcome.
  2. Founders Gail Hirsch, Geoff Wilkinson, and Julie Smithwick to share a video on the history and foundering of NACHW.
  3. Executive Director, Denise Smith, to share NACHW’s new Strategic Plan.
  4. Associate Director of Communications, Bernadine Jeranyama to share NACHW’s Annual Report.
  5. Ambassador Committee Co-Chairs and Board Members, Luis Lagos and Iris Reano, to share the opportunity to apply to become a NACHW ambassador!
  6. Leadership Development Manager, Mikayla Trujillo with opportunities for members to engage with new resources.

The webinar will also include access to a video on the history of NACHW by NACHW’s Founders along with information about other upcoming events!

If time permits, we will use some of the time at the event for networking!  

Live-Spanish translation available.  

Join us!

We're excited to see you at our virtual 2024 Annual Meeting today, starting at 2pm EST! Registrants have received an email with instructions for accessing the Zoom. Look for an email titled "2024 NACHW Annual Meeting Confirmation" from Sunny Williams. Make sure to look in the inbox of the email you registered for Unity with!