Auto Renewal of MemberClicks!

NACHW is excited to announce that we’ve rolled out handy new features on our member’s platform, MemberClicks. The new auto-renewal option will automatically renew your membership using a saved payment method once your expiration date is reached. Auto-renewal is optional: if you chose not to turn it on, you can instead renew your membership manually using our other options. To activate auto-renew, you must first renew through the “Membership Registration/Renewal” form (on the right side of your MemberClicks screen) so you can re-enter your credit card information and confirm whether you want to use this feature or not. You can also access the Registration/Renewal form by clicking on the invoice link in your renewal notification email. NOTE: After renewing, you will need to log back into MemberClicks to view your profile. For step-by-step instructions on auto-renew and the payment process, see our help document.

This is just the start of our ongoing plan to improve your membership experience. We have a number of requested features, resources, and events coming to the MemberClicks platform in 2024. We’re excited to share these with you soon!

Additional automation changes have also been implemented. See the FAQ below for more details. If you have any further questions about these automation features, or believe you were mistakenly charged or marked as lapsed, please email [email protected] for assistance!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How will I be notified about my membership expiration?
Individuals whose memberships are soon to expire will now receive several reminder emails. Members who have lapsed will also receive a notification informing them of this fact. All of these emails will come with an autogenerated invoice link to pay through. Look for an email from [email protected] entitled “NACHW – 30-Day Membership Renewal Notice,” “NACHW – Your Membership is Expiring Soon!,” or “NACHW – Membership Expiring in 7 Days.” If you have lapsed, the email will instead be titled “NACHW – Your Membership Has Lapsed.”

Why did I receive an email telling me my membership lapsed some time ago? I wasn’t aware my membership had expired.
As part of the process of rolling out these features, your member status may have changed. Previously, some members were not marked as lapsed despite their memberships having expired in the past. Our automation process has now correctly marked these expired accounts as lapsed. If you have unexpectedly received a notification informing you that your membership has lapsed, this is likely because your membership expiration date had passed and you were not aware. Don’t worry, your next expiration date will be one year from the date of your manual or automatic renewal, even if you have been expired for some time.

Will I have a new expiration date?
As mentioned above, anyone who renews will be credited with another year of membership on their account, starting from the day they renewed. For instance, if you renew on December 15th, 2023, then your expiration date will be December 15th, 2024. Previous expiration dates do not matter.

My invoice email says that if I renew my membership, it will expire a year after my previous expiration date, not a year after today?
Some autogenerated invoices might display a different date, and therefore a shorter membership period, than intended. This is only a visual bug and your membership expiration date will correctly be one year from the date you renew, not the date you last expired.

I’ve been lapsed for some time and didn’t realize it. Will I lose access?
As part of this rollout, we’re happy to offer a month-long grace period for formerly active members. You will not lose access to your membership benefits if you renew by January 20, 2024. If you are unable to renew before that time, you will lose access to the member portal, but you can manually renew at any point after to regain access. Your data will not be deleted even if you lapse after the grace period.