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Vermont Community Health Worker – Scope of Practice and Core Competencies

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Billing and Reimbursement:
CHW input in process, CHW role scope of practice, Competencies, General other, Lessons learned from other states
Evidence Generation:
Lessons learned from other states
Sustainable Financing:​
Workforce Development:
General other (including mention of “employment practices”)


Well-articulated scope of practice and competency guidelines for Community Health Workers, as in other professions, can help to give the Community Health Worker field more tools to guide education, practices and policies that impact the workforce across the state. In the Fall of 2019, the Vermont Community Health Worker Workforce Development Subcommittee performed a cross walk of roles and competencies from eight other states (Massachusetts, Minnesota, Ohio, Arizona, Maryland, Indiana, Oregon, Kentucky, and Texas), using the Community Health Worker Core Consensus (C3) Project as a guide. Recommendations were submitted to the Vermont CHW Steering Committee for further review and comment. The final scope of practice and core competency list was included in the Vermont Community Health Worker Landscape Assessment, which occurred in Summer 2020, to further assess the alignment in practice with the workforce.

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