Interim Evaluation of California’s Whole Person Care (WPC) Program
The interim evaluation of the Whole Person Care (WPC) Program, led by UCLA Center for Health Policy Research Associate Director Nadereh Pourat, used qualitative data sources to examine the infrastructure developed, implementation processes, and services delivered by Pilots in WPC, as well as challenges encountered and promising strategies used to overcome them. UCLA used Pilot-reported […]
New England Region Community Health Worker (CHW) Models Groups Interviews of Stakeholder by State – Summary of Findings
The New England Public Health Training Center (NEPHTC) conducted an environmental scan of the status of Community Health Worker (CHW) workforce development in the six New England states in May and June of 2016. The purpose was to help the Center better understand the evolving CHW workforce model in each state and identify potential roles […]
Department of Health, Prevention, and Community Health Legislative Operational Plan for CHW Budget Proviso
Overview of legislative operational plan for CHW training and education bill in Washington State
State Approaches to Community Health Worker Financing through Medicaid State Plan Amendments (Blog Post, Dec 7, 2022)
This blog post summarizes Medicaid State Plan Amendments (SPAs) approved for w reimbursement in ten states as of late 2022. It summarizes key features and observed trends from the earlier (2008) to the present. Includes a summary table of SPA features.
Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke-Focused Competency Assessment Tools for Community Health Workers in the United States: A Scoping Review
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and stroke are major contributors to chronic disease burden in the United States. Despite the high prevalence of stroke, 90% of all stroke events are preventable and can be attributed to seven key modifiable risk factors (MRFs)—high blood pressure (BP), high cholesterol, diabetes mellitus (DM), smoking, obesity, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity. […]
Letter to Senate President Steve Yarbrough and Speaker of the House J.D. Mesnard of Arizona
This proposal requests a modification to statutes to: establish voluntary certification among CHWs to allow for increased protection of patients and community members working with CHWs in their home or healthcare environments; implement a CHW certification board to review training program curricula that target CHW Core Competencies; and encourage a uniformly educated CHW workforce. Certification […]
California’s Community Health Worker/Promotora/Representative (CHW/P/R) Certification Discussion – Online Information Session
The purpose of this meeting, hosted by the Department of Health Care Access and information (HCAI) and the California State University Sacramento, was to clarify context on California’s CHW/P/R certification option, share HCAI responses on participant input from past Listening Sessions, and present next steps for HCAI’s stakeholder engagement process.
Kentucky Department for Public Health: Community Health Worker Curriculum Review Application Cover Sheet
Application for curriculum/training site to train Community Health Workers
DOH CHW Training Program – Charging Fees for Training Participants
DOH CHW Training Program has been providing both Core Competency and Health Specific Trainings since 2012. The program has trained over 2200 CHWs and related professionals and demand continues to be high for both Core Classes and our growing number of On-LineHealth Specific Modules. The program is primarily grant funded with support from both federal […]
Pennsylvania HealthChoices Physical Health Agreement
Pennsylvania Medicaid MCO Agreement. The Community Based Care Management (CBCM) Program requirements described in Exhibit B(5) are for care rendered during a CY and defined in the PH-MCO specific CBCM Program approved by the Department per Section I below. Proposals submitted for the CBCM program must increase the use of community-based staff, including certified Community […]