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The State of the Community Health Worker Field in Minnesota

NatDoc: National Document
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Billing and Reimbursement:
Administration - certification boards state health departments etc., CHW role scope of practice, Competencies, Continuing education, General other, Role of state government, State input in process, Training and training programs
Evidence Generation:
Evidence-based interventions
Building partnerships, General language around CHW WD
Sustainable Financing:​
General other, Billing/CPT codes, Education to HC orgs on payment options bundled etc.
Workforce Development:
CDC expand CHW work into SDOH, CHW training programs (not cert.), Data sharing between social services and clinical teams, General other (including mention of “employment practices”), Recruiting and convening CHWs stakeholders, Training- Content modes delivery, Training- Continuing education


The State of the Community Health Worker Field in Minnesota report provides a descriptive overview of the field within the broader context of national trends and developments. Commissioned by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), the report is prepared by the Minnesota Community Health Worker Alliance (the Alliance) as a resource for community health workers (CHWs), CHW employers and educators, policymakers, payors, and others interested in the progress, opportunities, challenges, and next stage work associated with the advancement of the CHW workforce and its benefits to Minnesota’s diverse communities. The report reflects the input from key informant interviews with state and national CHW experts from the CHW field, public health, education, and human services.

Here is a summary of key points detailed in the report:page7image228378240 page7image228378528 page7image228378816 page7image228379104

Awareness of CHW Roles & Skills: Growing awareness of role and impact among health care and public health providers

Education & Training: Strong base with statewide standardized competency-based curriculum and new continuing education modules under development

Models & Team- based Care: Growth in established programs and newer settings in metro and regional pockets; under- utilization of CHWs in key disparity areas

Impact & Evidence: Shared learning through CHW Supervisor Roundtable and grant-supported projects such as the MDH Community Wellness Grant Project and HealthRise-US (HR-US) Initiative

Sustainability: Increased numbers of CHWs enrolled in Minnesota Health Care Programs and more employers billing the Minnesota Department of Human Services and health plans for CHW services; no accountability for access to CHW services

Occupational Regulation: Exploration of CHW certification options by the Policy Committee of the MN CHW Alliance

Leadership & Advocacy: Growth in CHW leadership capacity

Infrastructure & Funding: Growing ecosystem with undercapitalized infrastructure

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