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  5. Taking Innovation to Scale: Community Health Workers, Promotores, and the Triple Aim

Taking Innovation to Scale: Community Health Workers, Promotores, and the Triple Aim

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Billing and Reimbursement:
CHW input in process, CHW role scope of practice, Role of state government, State input in process, Training and training programs
Evidence Generation:
Documentation of how CHWs can work within care teams, General other
Building partnerships, General language around CHW WD, General other
Sustainable Financing:​
Documentation of how CHWs can work within care teams, Surveys and assessment tools to define and develop workforce
Workforce Development:
CDC expand CHW work into SDOH, Data sharing between social services and clinical teams, General other (including mention of “employment practices”), Outreach campaigns to identify CHWs, Outreach education and TA to employers on CHW generally, Recruiting and convening CHWs stakeholders, Training- Content modes delivery


This brief report provides an overview of preliminary findings, observations and recommendations from the California Health Workforce Alliance’s (CHWA) assessment of the current level of engagement and roles of community health workers among California’s health care safety net providers, and their contributions towards the achievement of the Triple Aim objectives. This study is intended to inform dialogue and action in the public and policy arena, particularly in articulating CHW contributions to the achievement of the Triple Aim objectives and to develop practical strategies that will take their engagement to scale.