This is a draft of a renewal proposal for New Jersey FamilyCare Comprehensive Demonstration, which governs the operations of significant components of New Jersey’s Medicaid program and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This section in particular focuses on a Community Health Worker Pilot Program. The Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services (DMAHS), in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Health and various external stakeholders, has identified Community Health Workers (CHWs) as a promising tool to enhance care coordination, address disparities, and improve outcomes for Medicaid beneficiaries. Various providers, funders, MCOs, and community-based organizations have already begun experimentation in this space in New Jersey. In order to support and advance this important work, New Jersey requests expenditure authority as part of the renewal application to support a set of CHW pilots, to be administered by our MCOs in collaboration with DMAHS and the NJ Department of Health’s Colette Lamothe-Galette Community Health Worker Institute.