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Medicaid Access & Coverage in 2019: Results from the Institute for Medicaid Innovation’s 2020 Annual Medicaid Managed Care Survey

NatDoc: National Document
Website Link:
Publicly Available:
Billing and Reimbursement:
Evidence Generation:
Sustainable Financing:​
General other, How to engage and work with Medicaid, MCO or bundled payment reimbursement models, National-level guidance
Workforce Development:
Data sharing between social services and clinical teams, General other (including mention of “employment practices”)


This third Annual Medicaid Managed Care Survey represents the first-of-its-kind comprehensive effort to collect robust, longitudinal data on Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs). Our intention is that the survey findings contained in this report will equip Medicaid stakeholders with the information they need to accurately articulate the national narrative about Medicaid managed care.

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