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  5. Kentucky House Bill 525: An Act relating to community health workers – Unofficial Draft

Kentucky House Bill 525: An Act relating to community health workers – Unofficial Draft

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Billing and Reimbursement:
Funding of certification, Legislative language bills etc., Role of state government
Evidence Generation:
Building partnerships, General language around CHW WD, General other, Legislative language
Sustainable Financing:​
Engaging state partners in general, How to engage and work with Medicaid, Reimbursement TA for FQHCs Medicaid etc.
Workforce Development:


This is a draft of Kentucky House Bill 525, which calls for the Kentucky House to create a new section of KRS Chapter 205 to require Medicaid reimbursement for certain services provided by certified community health workers; create new sections of KRS Chapter 309 to establish community health worker certification; amend KRS 205.6497 to require the Kentucky Children’s Health Insurance Program to reimburse certain services provided by certified community health workers.  THIS DRAFT CAN BE COMPARED TO THE FINAL ADOPTED VERSION to show how legislation changes in moving thru the legislature.