Objectives: To assess the impact of a Community Health Worker (CHW) intervention within HIV primary care on patient outcomes.
Methods: We evaluated a 10-site initiative integrating CHWs into HIV care, examining changes in three outcomes: viral load suppression, a prescription for ART, and appointment attendance. We also assessed the relationship between the three outcomes and the number of CHW encounters.
Results: Of 397 participants, most were male and African- American. The mean days of encounters over the first 6 months was 11 per participant. All outcomes improved in the first 6 months: percent with a primary care visit from 49.9 to 84.7% (p<.000); percent with an active ART prescription from 66.9 to 91.3% (p<.000); percent virally suppressed from 22.4 to 43.7% (p < .000). No statistically significant relationship between number of encounters and improvement in out- comes was found.
Conclusions: CHW interventions in HIV primary care can lead to improvements in HIV outcomes.