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Impact of Community Health Worker Certification on Workforce and Service Delivery for Asthma and Other Selected Chronic Diseases

NatDoc: National Document
Website Link:
Publicly Available:
Billing and Reimbursement:
Administration - certification boards state health departments etc., CHW input in process, CHW role scope of practice, Funding of certification, General other, Lessons learned from other states, Specialty tracks and supervisor training
Evidence Generation:
Documentation of how CHWs can work within care teams, Evidence-based interventions
Sustainable Financing:​
Evidence-based interventions, ROI and bundled payment successes/challenges
Workforce Development:
CDC expand CHW work into SDOH, Chronic Disease, Data sharing between social services and clinical teams, General other (including mention of “employment practices”)


Examining the extent to which differences in asthma self-management and health outcomes, as well as other conditions, may emerge as a function of CHW certification is a timely area of inquiry. Thus, the overarching goal of this project is to assess the current state of evidence of the processes, risks, benefits, and implications of CHW certification and to clarify future research or evaluation needs.

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