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Examination of Community Health Workers in Rural Pennsylvania

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Billing and Reimbursement:
Administration - certification boards state health departments etc., CHW role scope of practice, General other, Training and training programs
Evidence Generation:
Surveys and assessment tools to define and develop workforce, White papers
General language around CHW WD, General other, Identifying policy expertise within state
Sustainable Financing:​
General other, Including community-based CHWs, MCO or bundled payment reimbursement models, Surveys and assessment tools to define and develop workforce
Workforce Development:
CHW training programs (not cert.), Training- Content modes delivery


Community health workers (CHWs) play a vital role in the health care delivery system of rural Pennsylvania counties. With current shortages of health care professionals in rural Pennsylvania, CHWs may potentially play a significant role in the delivery of health services. Currently, however, the role of CHWs is not well defined. This may be due to the lack of standard certification and training for CHWs. Efforts toward certification and training programs are evident throughout Pennsylvania, yet they lack consistency. This research, conducted in 2016 and 2017, was designed to gain an understanding of CHWs in rural Pennsylvania.

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