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Community Health Worker Intervention in Subsidized Housing: New York City, 2016–2017

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Publicly Available:
Billing and Reimbursement:
CHW role scope of practice
Evidence Generation:
Documentation of how CHWs can work within care teams, Evidence-based interventions, General other, ROI and bundled payment successes/challenges, White papers
Building partnerships
Sustainable Financing:​
Engaging state partners in general, Expand evidence base, Including community-based CHWs, Documentation of how CHWs can work within care teams, Evidence-based interventions, ROI and bundled payment successes/challenges
Workforce Development:
Chronic Disease, Data sharing between social services and clinical teams


From April 2016 to June 2017, the Health + Housing Project employed four community health workers who engaged residents of two subsidized housing buildings in New York City to address individuals’ broadly defined health needs, including social and economic risk factors. Following the intervention, we observed significant improvements in residents’ food security, ability to pay rent, and connection to primary care. No immediate change was seen in acute health care use or more narrowly defined health outcomes.

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