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Building Community Clinical Linkages Meeting Summary

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Meeting notes, record of attendance, and next steps. Some key points:

  • Discussed the differences and roles of the Community Health Team (CHT) vs. HealthEquity Zone (HEZ).
  • The ultimate success of the CHT is the connection, communication and coordination as an extension of primary care.
  • Need to align and break down silos by thinking of CHWs in an assets-based way, as a way for healthcare to connect with existing social conditions and community health systems that drive health.
  • Providers would love the opportunity to read notes (from the CHW, PRS, or BHC) directly from an EHR in order to enhance coordination of care.
  • Data support is critical. In other states, the data showcased the impact of the opiate addiction MAT program, reductions in hospitalizations, and reductions in incarcerations and days in corrections had major ROI impact.
  • At least one health plan would strongly support CHT payment as part of a capitation rate to PCPs.

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