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Pathways to Establishing State CHW Certification

NatDoc: National Document
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Publicly Available:
Billing and Reimbursement:
All, CHW input in process, CHW role scope of practice, Competencies, Lessons learned from other states, Role of state government, State input in process
Evidence Generation:
Building partnerships, Legislative language, Lessons learned from other states
Sustainable Financing:​
Workforce Development:


Community Health Worker (CHW) Certification is an endorsement from leaders in the profession that an individual meets predefined standards. It operates at a state level and can be attained by CHWs to demonstrate mastery of standards. The following resource provides general guidance for advocates seeking to establish CHW certification in a state that does not yet have CHW certification. It will highlight the two main pathways, public and private, and the five key steps involved in the certification development process. The structure is wide-ranging, and there will be needs and circumstances unique to each situation.