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Optional Targeted Case Management Services – Basis, Scope, and Purpose

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The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (P.L. 99-272, COBRA) added §§1915(g)(1)and (g)(2) to the Act. These sections add optional targeted case management services to the list of services that may be provided under Medicaid. Section 1895(c)(3) of the Tax Reform Act of 1986(P.L. 99-514) added case management services to the list of services in §1905 of the Act. Section4118(i) of OBRA 1987 (P.L. 100-203) added a section discussing the qualifications of case managers for individuals with developmental disabilities or chronic mental illness. Both the TaxReform Act and OBRA 1987 amendments are effective as if included in COBRA and are considered effective on April 7, 1986.

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