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Supporting the Integration of Community Health Workers in Whole Person Care Pilots

NatDoc: National Document
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Billing and Reimbursement:
CHW role scope of practice, Competencies, Funding of certification, General other, Training and training programs
Evidence Generation:
Documentation of how CHWs can work within care teams, General other, Results from pilots studies etc. that aren't published in formal literature, Surveys and assessment tools to define and develop workforce
Sustainable Financing:​
Engaging state partners in general, General other, How to engage and work with Medicaid, Billing/CPT codes, Education to HC orgs on payment options bundled etc., MCO or bundled payment reimbursement models, Reimbursement TA for FQHCs Medicaid etc., Documentation of how CHWs can work within care teams, Results from pilots studies etc. that aren't published in formal literature, Surveys and assessment tools to define and develop workforce
Workforce Development:
CHW training programs (not cert.), General other (including mention of “employment practices”), Outreach education and TA to employers on CHW generally, Recruiting and convening CHWs stakeholders, Training- Content modes delivery


Whole Person Care (WPC) is a California waiver program that provides counties, cities, and/or health/hospital authorities with an opportunity to coordinate clinical care, behavioral health, and social services for the most vulnerable and high-utilizers of Medi-Cal. Many WPC-participating entities plan to or are already employing community health workers (CHWs) to achieve their aim of care coordination. However, WPC pilots across the state have nuanced programmatic goals; consequently, strategies for CHW employment and CHW placement vary from region to region. We sought to provide technical assistance and support to WPC participants who requested assistance with their own CHW programs, including Monterey County, the City of Sacramento, and Santa Clara County. Because needs varied, the type of assistance that we provided varied.

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