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  5. A Community Health Worker Model to Address Childhood Asthma: Perspectives of Program Participants

A Community Health Worker Model to Address Childhood Asthma: Perspectives of Program Participants

NatDoc: National Document
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Billing and Reimbursement:
CHW input in process, CHW role scope of practice
Evidence Generation:
General other, Results from pilots studies etc. that aren't published in formal literature
Sustainable Financing:​
Expand evidence base
Workforce Development:
Chronic Disease, Data sharing between social services and clinical teams, General other (including mention of “employment practices”), Outreach education and TA to employers on CHW generally, Recruiting and convening CHWs stakeholders


In 2011, with funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Little Sisters began implementation of Controlling Asthma through Home Remediation (CAHR), a demonstration of their program model, specifically targeting families living in public housing. The demonstration included an evaluation of the program by The New York Academy of Medicine (the Academy)—findings included statistically significant reductions in nighttime awakenings, emergency department visits, and use of rescue medications. As part of the evaluation, a sample of 17 caregivers participated in interviews, with questions that focused on their perceptions of program quality, impact, and lessons learned. As described in this report, caregivers noted that CHWs helped them to develop knowledge and skills to reduce household asthma triggers; in addition, CHWs and Little Sisters proved to be influential advocates, facilitating the settlement of complaints with housing management.